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Helpfull When Making A Runescape Private Server.
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 Make your own PRIVATE SERVER

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Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2007-07-14

Make your own PRIVATE SERVER Empty
PostSubject: Make your own PRIVATE SERVER   Make your own PRIVATE SERVER Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2007 4:11 am

Ok. So you want to make a server? You've come to the right place. For all you guys who dont know how to, or got stuck on a certain part, this tutorial will explain what to do and why we did it, and how to fix problems.

Table of Contents , click on JDK6u2's download button to the right, and then click on the Accept License Agreement option located towards the top of the new page under the word Required:. Now the page will refresh and you should see pretty much the exact same page as before. If you have Windows, locate the first box and click on the text that says Windows Offline Installation, Multi-language. If you have Linux, navigate to the Linux Platform box and click on the text that says Linux self-extracting file. Now you should download the file that you chose.

The download may take a while, but will be well worth it. When it is done downloading, double-click on the file you downloaded and begin the installation. I have Windows, so I will be explaining what to do with the Windows System throughout the tutorial. Now, the file you double-clicked may take a bit to appear, so be patient. When the installation screen appears, it should look something like this:

Click Accept > (making sure you read and agreed to the license agreement), and a new window will pop-up asking you what to install and where to install it. Leave everything how it is, which is called the default settings. The Java should download itself to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02\, which is good. If it is not set to this, I reccomend setting the path to the one I just mentioned by clicking the Change button to the right.

Now it should be installing, looking like this:

Just let it install and be patient. Now a window will pop-up almost exactly like the one before the installation, asking for more Java installation, this time the Java Run-Time Environment. You'll need this, so install it too, following the steps above, except the path (I reccomend) should be at C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_02\. Now when everything is done, click finish. It may or not ask you to restart your computer. If it does, add this page to your bookmarks/favorites list and then restart, so you can have fast access back to it later.

2. - Port-Forwarding your Router (EXPLAINED)
Ahh.. One of the trickiest part to many, and to some very easy. Well whoever you are, this will help you if you're stuck or just dont know how to do it whatsoever. Alright, we have to start by knowing what you're router is. We can do this one of two ways. And here they are:

1) Ask your parents. They should know this. If they say you dont have a router, then go ahead and skip this part. If they say you so have a router, ask them what company made the router, and what model it is. They should be able to answer this. And also make sure you know where the router is, to double-check on what they have said yourself. If they do not know this, then we'll have to go try the other way, which may not always work for everybody.

2) Ok. Click on Start, then click on Run, and in the run box type
cmdThis will take you to a black box which is used in creating a server a lot. It's called the Command Prompt. Now, if you cant get to it that way, try Start, then All Programs (or Program Files), then Accessories, and then click on the program named Command Prompt Alright. Now that you're here, right away when it opens up, type in ipconfig and hit enter.

Now look under the Ethernet adapter Wireless Network Connection or something similar, and take a look at the Default Gateway line. Write this IP down (the one to the right of the Default Gateway text), or remember it. I recommend writing it down if you're new to this. Now minimize you're Command Prompt, and in the Address/URL Bar at the top of your browser (where you type the website like or anything else), and type in that IP that we just talked about it. In my case, it would be You should see a Username and Password box, and if there is any other info on there it could be useful. For example mine looks like this:

And it tells me the Model of my Router: WRT54GL, which I can then Google search it and find out what company makes it. If you cannot find anything like this, Google the Default Gateway IP that we looked at earlier. Some routers have like and can then be identified. If not, I say look around in your house and try and find the router.

Ok. Next part of this step. It's time to login to your router and Port-Forward. Once you have found your Company and Router, visit and click on the link that says Port Forwarding towards the top of the page. Now on the new page find the Company that made your Router or the Brand of it and then click on the name. You should now see a list of programs. Just click on the first one named 1st SMTP Server and follow every step of it. The static IP Address box, in there type in the IP that was located to the right of the IP Address. . . . . line back in the Command Prompt (in IPCONFIG). Now instead of portforwarding the ports for that program (Port 25), portforward the port that your server is going to use. Most servers use the port 43594, so if you want to port-forward that, then go ahead. If the source you're going to download soon doesn't, we'll change it so it does.

3. - Getting a No-IP.Org Address for your server
Woot! You're halfway done! Bottoms Up *Drinks*! Ok, well dont celebrate quite yet. We now get to setup a No-IP Address for your server!

Visit . Once you're there, click on the Sign-up Now! link towards the right of the Login area (top-right corner of the screen). Enter in ALL of the information needed, and you must include a REAL E-Mail Address that you can access to verify the account you're about to make.

After filling everything in, it will tell you to check your inbox of the e-mail address you specified, and follow the instructions on the E-Mail. MAKE SURE YOU DO SO.

Now when you're done, Log-In to your account using the Log-In area at the top-right corner of the index/main page ( On the right-hand side, click on Add. You should now see a screen like this (I scrolled down a bit to cover more of the main area):

For the hostname, put whatever you want the bolded part of to be. In my case, I own the server named TeleScape, so I put telescape in the hostname box. Then where it says and where it's a drop-down menu, select the IP suffix you want to use. In my case, I used, because it's what most people use and it's a common IP for Private Servers. Also, make sure DNS Host (A) is the only option checked below the hostname box. Now in the IP Address: box, make sure the IP in there is the same as the IP listed under the Logged In As: text in the top-right hand corner of the page! (Looks like this:)

Now click Create Host, and now you're done with the No-IP Address part! Congratulations!
Note: No-IP's take up to 5 minutes to be added to their server. So they may not work right away.

4. - Getting a Pre-Made Server (Source)
To get a source, you can visit the Server Downloads of this section and download a server that has already been made. Here's a link:,49.0.html
Pick a good one I recommend this source:,162860.0.html because it's a somewhat good source for newcomers.

Now when you download it (pick any link...) it will either come in a .ZIP format, or in a .RAR format. For a .zip format, use the WinZIP program you have installed, or if you dont have it, open up the .ZIP folder and click on De-Compress Files to the right and follow the steps for that. I recommend De-Compressing it to your desktop because you'll be using your server a lot and the Desktop is an easy access point. If your server comes in .RAR format, download this program:
And when it's installed, right-click on the .RAR server file and click extract files, and once again I recommend extracting it to your desktop. Woot, you now have a server source you can begin to edit and call your own (somewhat ) This was a fairly easy stage.

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Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2007-07-14

Make your own PRIVATE SERVER Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make your own PRIVATE SERVER   Make your own PRIVATE SERVER Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2007 4:17 am

5. - Fixing all Compile.bat and Runserver.bat problems
Now that you have a source, you're going to have to learn how to Compile it (make any changes you made to the server actually appear when you run it), and you have to Run the server. Both of these tasks use a .BAT (Batch) suffixed file. When you run it, it opens a Command Prompt asking you what to do. We have worked with Command Prompts earlier in this tutorial, so this shouldn't be a problem.

Ok next step for this stage: Making the Compile and Run (or Runserver) BATCH files work. The Compile.bat and the Run.bat files are located in your server folder. They should look close to this:

Right-click on the compile.bat file (or open it with notepad), and replace everything inside of it with this:
@echo off
color 0b
if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\" set programfiles=C:\Program Files (x86)
set pr=%programfiles%\Java\
set b=0
set t=7
goto co2
color %b%%t%
color 0b
title TeleScape Compiler
echo                   Welcome, I hope you enjoy playing
echo       TeleScape. If you have any problems or need help you can
echo       or need help you can pm me on mopar, my name is 0.o. Enjoy
echo C      -    Compile TeleScape.
echo R      -    To Run TeleScape.
echo E      -    To exit out of TeleScape Compiler.
echo Jar    -    It will create TeleScape into an executable Jar archive.
echo Color  -    Change the Text and Backround colors of TeleScape's compiler.
echo Reset  -    Resets TeleScape Compiler Logs.
set /p c=Option:
if %c%==c goto c
if %c%==C goto c
if %c%==r goto r
if %c%==R goto r
if %c%==jar goto jar
if %c%==Jar goto jar
if %c%==JAR goto jar
if %c%==color goto color
if %c%==Color goto color
if %c%==COLOR goto color
if %c%==reset goto reset
if %c%==Reset goto reset
if %c%==RESET goto reset
if %c%==e goto e
if %c%==E goto e
if %c%==* goto er
goto er
title Jar Creator
echo What will be the name of the Jar file?
set /p name=Name:
if exist *.class (del *.class)
set pro=%pr%jdk1.5.0
set pro2=%pr%jdk1.6.0
set jav=bin\javac.exe
set go=jar2
goto cj
%java% -cp . *java
echo Manifest-Version: 1.0 >> manifest
echo Created-By: 1.5.0_04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) >> manifest
echo Main-Class: server >> manifest
set pro=%pr%jdk1.5.0
set pro2=%pr%jdk1.6.0
set jav=bin\jar.exe
set go=jar3
goto cj
if not exist *.class (goto jre)
%java% -cvfm %name%.jar manifest *.class
del runserver.bat
del manifest
del *.class
goto jl
set pro=%pr%jre1.5.0
set pro2=%pr%jre1.6.0
set jav=bin\java.exe
set go=jar5
goto cj
echo @echo off  >> runserver.bat
echo title %name% >> runserver.bat
echo %java% -cp .;%name%.jar server >> runserver.bat
echo pause >> runserver.bat
echo %name% Jar file successfully made. The runserver.bat will
echo now load the Jar file. If you have any errors while runnning
echo the Jar file, please post about it in Mod Taharok's 'Perfect
echo Compiler' topic on MoparScape.
goto menu
echo Would you like to change the backround color, change
echo the text color, or reset it to default?
echo back - Change the backround color.
echo text - Change the text color.
echo def - Change all colors back to default.
set /p color=Option:
if %color%==back goto back
if %color%==BACK goto back
if %color%==text goto text
if %color%==TEXT goto text
if %color%==def goto co1
if %color%==DEF goto co1
if %color%==* goto er
goto er
echo Please select a color to change the backround to:
echo black
echo white
echo red
echo yellow
echo green
echo blue
echo purple
set /p back=Color:
if %back%== black (set b=0)
if %back%== white (set b=7)
if %back%== red (set b=4)
if %back%== yellow (set b=6)
if %back%== green (set b=2)
if %back%== blue (set b=1)
if %back%== purple (set b=5)
goto co2
echo Please select a color to change the text to:
echo black
echo white
echo red
echo yellow
echo green
echo blue
echo purple
set /p back=Color:
if %back%== black (set t=0)
if %back%== white (set t=7)
if %back%== red (set t=4)
if %back%== yellow (set t=6)
if %back%== green (set t=2)
if %back%== blue (set t=1)
if %back%== purple (set t=5)
goto co2
title TeleScape Compiler
set pro=%pr%jdk1.5.0
set pro2=%pr%jdk1.6.0
set jav=bin\javac.exe
set go=c2
goto cj
if exist src (goto cl) else (goto c3)
if exist *.java (goto cl2) else (goto ce)
%java% -cp . *.java
echo Congratz, you compiled TeleScape's server!
goto menu
%java% -cp . .\src\*.java
echo Files Compiled Successfully!
move .\src\*.class .\classes\
goto menu
echo You must have Java files for this Compiler to Compile.
goto menu
title TeleScape
set pro=%pr%jre1.5.0
set pro2=%pr%jre1.6.0
set jav=bin\java.exe
set go=r2
goto cj
set rjava=%java% -Xmx1024m -cp .;./jython.jar;./MySql/mysql-connector-java-3.0.17-ga-bin.jar server
goto r3
if exist .\classes\server.class (goto sl2) else (goto r4)
if exist .\server.class (goto sl) else (goto se)
goto menu
set rjava=
set rjava=%java% -cp .;./classes; Server
goto menu
title Error
echo You do not have a Server.class. Make sure that you have used the
echo compiler with your server BEFORE you try runing it.
goto menu
title Error
echo Invalid command. Please make sure the commands you type
echo in are correct.
goto menu
if exist "%pro2%_02\%jav%" (goto sj)
if exist "%pro2%\%jav%" (goto sj2)
if exist "%pro%_10\%jav%" (goto sj3)
if exist "%pro%_09\%jav%" (goto sj4)
if exist "%pro%_08\%jav%" (goto sj5)
if exist "%pro%_07\%jav%" (goto sj6)
if exist "%pro%_06\%jav%" (goto sj7)
if exist "%pro%_05\%jav%" (goto sj8)
if exist "%pro%_04\%jav%" (goto sj9)
if exist "%pro%_03\%jav%" (goto sj10)
if exist "%pro%_02\%jav%" (goto sj11)
if exist "%pro%_01\%jav%" (goto sj12)
if exist "%pro%\%jav%" (goto sj13) else (goto je)
set java="%pro2%_02\%jav%"
goto %go%
set java="%pro2%\%jav%"
goto %go%
set java="%pro%_10\%jav%"
goto %go%
set java="%pro%_09\%jav%"
goto %go%
set java="%pro%_08\%jav%"
goto %go%
set java="%pro%_07\%jav%"
goto %go%
set java="%pro%_06\%jav%"
goto %go%
set java="%pro%_05\%jav%"
goto %go%
set java="%pro%_04\%jav%"
goto %go%
set java="%pro%_03\%jav%"
goto %go%
set java="%pro%_02\%jav%"
goto %go%
set java="%pro%_01\%jav%"
goto %go%
set java="%pro%\%jav%"
goto %go%
title Error
echo You do not have JDK 5.0 or JDK 6.0 or any JDK 5.0 and 6.0 updates.
echo Go to Mod Taharok's tutorial on the Moparscape Tuturoials section
echo for step-by-step instructions to download the newest JDK Update.
goto menu
echo Ran Server at %time% and on %date%. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo Server was run using %java%. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo Thank you for using Mod Taharok's 'Perfect' Compiler! >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
goto r5
echo Ran Server at %time% and on %date%. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo Server was run using %java%. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo Thank you for using Mod Taharok's 'Perfect' Compiler! >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
goto r6
echo Compiled Java files at %time% and on %date%. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo Java files were compiled using %java%. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo Thank you for using Mod Taharok's 'Perfect' Compiler! >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
goto c5
echo Compiled Java files at %time% and on %date%. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo Java files were compiled using %java%. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo Thank you for using Mod Taharok's 'Perfect' Compiler! >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
goto c4
echo %name% Jar file created at %time% and on %date%. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo Jar file was created using %java%. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo Thank you for using Mod Taharok's 'Perfect' Compiler! >> "Compile Logs.txt"
echo. >> "Compile Logs.txt"
goto jar4
echo Resetting the Compiler's Logs...
del "Compile Logs.txt"
goto menu
It currently says TeleScape as the server name, you can change that to whatever you wish by replacing everything that says TeleScape in that code to your server name. To do this quickly and effectively, get onto the notepad for compile and go Edit>Replace. For the first box put TeleScape EXACTLY. For the second box, put whatever your server's name is.

Next step, making runserver.bat or run.bat work. Once again, right-click Edit or open the batch file with notepad, and replace everything inside of it with this:

echo off
color 0b
title TeleScape
java -Xmx1024m -cp .;./jython.jar;./MySql/mysql-connector-java-3.0.17-ga-bin.jar server
I am not sure who made this, because many users use it. So I will not give away credits for this, even though it is pretty simple. It also says TeleScape once again, so feel free to change that to what you wish.

Congratulations, now both of these work!

Carry on to third part of tutorial.
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Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2007-07-14

Make your own PRIVATE SERVER Empty
PostSubject: Re: Make your own PRIVATE SERVER   Make your own PRIVATE SERVER Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2007 4:25 am

6. - Changing the Port and Running the Server
Ok. Now it's time to change the Port number to 43594, to allow it to work with your router, and because it's the default or main port for most Private Servers.
In your server folder, open up the file named in notepad. Now at the top in the menu bar, click Edit, then Find.
Type into the box:
public static int serverlistenerPort
You should see something like this:
public static int serverlistenerPort = 1337;
Whatever it says after the equals (=) sign is what the port is. Mine is set to 1337, but you can easily change it by replacing 1337 with 43594. Now save this, and close out of the file.

Now go back to your server folder, and double click on the compile.bat file. Now you want to compile it, so any changes you made will appear when you run the server. So type in the letter c and let it compile. If there are any errors, you either did something wrong or the source came with errors. When you compile successfully, the compiler creates .class files which contain the latest changes you made to your server before you compile it. Hit "c" and then when it has finished that and you get back to the main bit, hit "r". This should start the server.
It should say Starting Server on: or something similar. Ignore the part, this is what it says for every server and it doesn't neccessarily mean anything imporant.Then load the RougeScape/ViperScape client, and for the IP Address type in whatever you made you're No-IP Address on your new No-IP Account.
Now log-in Very Happy

Congratulations! You've made a No-IP, Port-Forwarded your router, Learned how to Compile And Run the server, Learned how to Change the Port, and Learned how to Create Your Own Server in General!

. - Basic Editing of the Server and Java Tutorial
Do you want to learn how to change the name of the server? Ok then.

Open up (this is the main file in server editing, it includes most of the data used when running the server and includes things like object clicks and what to do when you click on them, and much much more). Click Edit, then Replace at the top of the screen, and in the Find What: box type in the name of the server, and in the Replace With: box type in the name you want to replace it with. Then click Replace All and be patient while it changes all of the names. This can take a while and be a bit slow, because it's a very big Java file.

Just remember, be patient.

You've learned how to change the name of the server (the very easy, easy way)!

Moving on...
Here's what a few main things are and what they mean and such:

Quote :
To add comments (mini-self-talk-journal-entries ) to the .java files, all you have to do is type //TEXTHERE and for that whole rest of the line it will be counted as a comment and be excluded from compiling and such, but will be there just for you. Another way to add comments is to start the Comment with the prefix /* and then end it with the suffix */ - Put any text in between and then its a comment .

Quote :
Cases. Cases are used when someone does something, clicks on something, or uses something with something else. For example, if I were to pull the mage lever in some sources, anything that the lever would do would be under Case 5959 in All cases end with the line break; Any text between the Case number and break; would be what to do when that case is executed. To find cases that arent already included in (this works for most servers), just click on the object many times and look at the Debug command prompt you get when you run the server. It should say Action Button: then list the case number.

Voids. Voids are used when you want to execute a large bit of command from a different area in the client without putting it all there. They are executed by typing voidName(); (basic type) then you would make the void above any other void. A typical void looks like this:


83% TeleNubby for writing the whole thing.
6% Mod Taharok
5%, for all the things including your ports.
5% Me for adding a few lines and proof-reading it to make it perfect. Evil/SpiderScape were made using this.
1% For the people who need it!
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PostSubject: Re: Make your own PRIVATE SERVER   Make your own PRIVATE SERVER Icon_minitime

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